Agents Need To Do A Better Job Representing Buyers!

Much of my business is helping sellers with the sale of their properties, because of this I have a great deal of experience working with various buyers agents.  Many of the agents do a great job and it is not unusual for a buyer’s agent to do a poor job presenting their client and the client’s offer.   Yes, the offer price is important, but a buyer’s story can help sway a transaction their way.  It is important for a buyer’s agent to have a plan that will help the listing agent and seller understand their client.  If there is a way to make a buyer more emotionally appealing they should do that too.  In the video, I discuss how to best get that story told.  If you don’t know, ask you agent how they will present you and your offer.  You want to be sure they are giving the seller reasons to work with you rather than someone else.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 808-398-3220.

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